I must do a description and explication of this cartoon:
Who can correct the mistakes of spelling and meaning?
this document is a cartoon in black and white which represents three skulls. The subject of this cartoon is man's evolution. On the left, there is a prehistoric man's skull, it is few built-up, it has got a small jawbone, a small forehead, and some little eyes-sockets.In the middle, there is a man's skull, it is fully developed. On the right, there is an american-TV man's skull, it looks like the prehistoric man's skull but it has larger eyes-sockets and smaller brain than prehistoric man. In front of the prehistoric man's skull, we can see flints whereas in front of the american-TV man's skull we find bottle of beer, soft-drink and others detritus.
This document denounces the "couch potato lifestyle" of american people. The expression "couch potato" is used to describe people who spends much of his time sitting or lying, watching television and often drinking. The "couch potato lifestyle" can be compare to prehistoric man's life, but the american-TV man is even worse since he is passive, he watches TV,drinks, eats...Whereas the prehistoric man is active because he cuts flints.The american-TV man's skull has larger eyes-sockets and smaller brain because he watches much television.
In order to conclude we can notice that this cartoon makes reference to the theory of evolution of Darwin which describe the fact that man is descended from monkey. But this reference is modified in so far as the cartoon shows that the theory is reversed since man regress compared whith the prehistoric man.
Thank you
Re: Description of a cartoon
Well written. It communicates clearly, and your analysis is quite good.
I tried to make suggesions on grammar and useage and to avoid questions of style. I wonder if I have succeeded. I also tried to avoid challenging the content.
As a learner of French, I want become fluent in passable French; elegance of style will come later, if ever.
Here's a word you can use to advantage. The most remarkable and relevant aspect of the skulls is the difference in the size of the brainpan (that part of the skull that houses the brain) Pre-historic man has a very small one, the fully evolved skull has a very harge one, the American TV man has no brainpan at all.